Guidelines for our Workshops


1. Information for supplies needed will be provided by email to you prior to the workshop. 

2. There is NO Fee for workshop SAW members for 2024. The Fee schedule will be reassessed  in 2025. We ask  that you sign in, and write your name on the labels provided, so that we all can get to know each other's name.

3. SAW encourages bringing a friend who might be interested  in joining SAW. The visitor will be required to pay $5.00 for each session they attend. They may attend 2 workshops. If they would like to come again,  they will need to become a member of SAW. 

4. Once the workshop date  is confirmed it will be posted on the SAW workshop  schedule on this website.

5. Members need to sign up to attend EACH workshop so that Linda Evelyn will know how many will be attending, to track attendance , since there is a limit of 25 participants per workshop. Also attendance numbers need to be known before the workshop for seating and for materials to be provided.

Please end your email to   and include on the subject line... ATTENTION LINDA

Therefore, PLEASE sign up for one workshop at a time to make it easier and for accuracy to help the presenter  in her/his presentation, and for others who need to set up the tables and chairs .