NOTE: The scheduled workshops have all been completed for now. Enjoy your summer! Our next scheduled workshops will commence in September 2024.


INFORMATION for signing up for any future  workshops in September 2024 will be sent out when available and posted:

PLEASE  sign up SOON for any  scheduled  workshop if you are attending it. The presenter needs to know how many handouts and other materials  to prepare for each person attending the workshop, as well as the seating arrangements. 

NOTE: When you are signing up for any workshop, please send a separate email to SAW email address talktosaw@gmail.com . In the email subject write  .....ATTENTION : Linda Evelyn(  our  workshop coordinator) and in the email body, write the workshop you want to be registered for. Linda will receive your email there.

(Unfortunately  if you end up replying  and attaching your name in Linda's original sent email, that email ends up as a long string of names attached to the original and names can get missed this way. Thanks for your help in this.)